Precise Rubber Seal and Weather Strip Analysis
The Accuracy Champions
NewtonWorks' focus is on product-level simulation and the accuracy of that analysis. In this product-level analysis, the connectivity (non-linear boundary conditions) between each part is important.
We solve these nonlinear problems and provide highly accurate simulations.
Bring Rubber Analysis to the Design Stage
Knowing more at an early design stage fastens your processes and saves time and money.
NewtonSuite eSeal is your Game Changer:
- Complete Rubber Seal & Weather Strip Analysis in a few Minutes
- Take Variations in Assembly Conditions into Account
- Shorten the Development Period
- Save Costs

Designers can complete the most accurate non-linear Analysis in a few Minutes.
Evaluate Ideas in a very short Time
Do you have an experience like this: "Analysis of rubber seal is difficult due to large deformation, material non-linearity and contact"?
Our Software Solution handles all this for you!
2D Analysis
Axis Symmetry, Plane Strain
Intuitive UI
made for Designers
High Performance Solution Engine

NewtonSuite eSeal
NewtonSuite eSeal is an easy-to-use tool that allows designers to analyze rubber seals.
Rubber is a highly nonlinear material that until now could only be simulated by specialists.
By handling it in two-dimensional cross section and with a smart GUI, NewtonSuite eSeal expands the possibility to carry out rubber analysis to designers.